Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Local Art News!

This message is brought to you by the Essex Art League in Essex Vermont. I thought this would make a great first post for our blog for new updates in the area.


Art Fair at the Essex Shoppes and Cinema

36 members of the Essex Art League will be participating in the Mistletoe Art Fair during the first three weekends of December. The fair will be held at the Essex Shoppes and Cinema (the fashion outlet mall) on Rte. 15 in Essex Center between Hannafords and Factory Brand Shoes Fridays 5-8, Saturdays and Sundays 10-4.

The Essex Art League is an association of over 100 artists from the greater Chitttenden County area who share their interests and expertise in fine art and photography and display their work throughout the year. Several members are full time artists while the majority are retired art and design professionals as well many others who have taken up art in retirement years. The artists will have originals, reproductions and other art products such as note cards available for sale. For more information visit

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Print Making

Have you ever been working on an awesome linoleum carving and after hours of hard work carving away at that hard surface, fingers bleeding by the end, ink up your block and when you go to print you realize you’ve mistakenly printed the reverse of the image you were going for? Before you throw away all of your fancy carving tools in anger… let me suggest a new product I have only recently discovered, Speedy Carving Blocks by Speedball. These amazing little blocks are made out of a soft flexible eraser like materiel that is just heaven to carve into. Create yummy thin lines with minimal finger cramping. That’s not even best part though; the most interesting thing about these Speedy Carving Blocks has to be that they have the ability to pick up graphite and even some soft inks like a sponge. Do you remember 'Silly Putty', that goo that when you squished onto a piece of news paper picked up the ink and left you with a reverse of that image, now apply that to your block. The Speedy Carving Block has some sort of material in it that will AUTOMATICALLY REVERSE your image. Simply draw out your design with a soft pencil onto paper, press the speedy cut down on top of your drawing with applied pressure, lift, and there you have it, an image reversed without the tears.

Question of the week: What was the most frustrating moment you had with a piece that you were working on and why? Did you fix the problem or simply start over? Comment here with your response in the comment section or in the discussion board on our Facebook Page.

Print By Jodi Dickhaut, 2009

Thank you all and keep Creating!

Did You Know?

Did you know; GOLDEN Brand Acrylics has a Technical Support team provides meaningful information to users of art materials and makers of art materials alike? The department houses professional artists who also have extensive technical backgrounds. This allows GOLDEN to bridge the gap between the scientific and artistic aspects of the materials produced at GOLDEN. Support Technicians ensure that customers understand the full capabilities of products that already exist on the market. The technicians can also help determine when a custom solution needs to be created to address a unique situation. You can find more information about Golden and their products at the Golden website listed here. Vist the golden site for more details.

Which brings us to the question of the week, why do you choose the medium you do? What makes that medium so important to you and what is your favorite part about working with it? Post your answers on the comment space of this page or on the discussion board of New England Artists Unites Facebook Page.

Artist: Kerrie Warren 2009, Title: ‘In This Moment’ Media: Acrylic on Canvas

About N.E.A.U

Our mission is to create a safe and inspiring environment for local artists who long to be part of a community during or after their time at school, High School or College, is over. Creativity needs to be nurtured and when you join N.E.A.U you will be given the opportunity to grow personally and as an artists, through shows, on line critiques, and much more.

We welcome our new members and understand the uniqueness of this type of group. N.E.A.U hopes to hear from every one of you to gain feedback, participate in contests, or if you just feel like talking about a piece you have been questioning.

You have the representatives and president’s agreement that this will continue to be a safe space for creative development and we will do everything in our power to see it stays that way.

We also do not believe in charging artists to join a group like this, so to sign up is free. Our budgeting will come from other sources, such as juried shows or grants, we will never ask anything of our artists personally for donations, but any help is accepted as it helps us serve you better.

N.E.A.U is live on Facebook so feel free to ask any questions either on the wall, or if more personal you may contact the NEAU E-mail at To join simply e-mail NEAU for more information, or click on the “Join group” link on the right side of our Facebook group page. Once you have joined you can start taking advantage of all we have to offer as well as post videos, photos of your work, and participate in the discussions.

Thank you,
President and Founder of NEAU

Links- New England Artists Unite Home Page